Emotional Pain – Does Your Body Hold It ?
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Does pain prevent you from fully enjoying your life?
Your body holds all the unhealed emotional pain of present and past. Unless released, this emotional pain becomes physical pain and dis-ease ensues.
Anger resides in your liver. Fear of survival, security and lack of support are felt in your lower back. Joint pain may represent changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements. Chronic Dis-eases may be a reflection of your refusal to change, fear of the future or not feeling safe. * Louise Hay- “You Can Heal Your Life”
A few years ago during my divorce court days, I received a sum of money. I placed it in the bank. But then I thought if I leave it there, the lawyers will somehow end up with it. So I made the decision to spend it on a new car.I went to the dealership, ordered the car and paid cash. The next day, my back seized. No medication could relieve it. I did not understand what happened, as I knew that I did not strain or twist my back. I suffered for three days until I remembered that I just spent a lot of money in one go on the car. I thought about what it meant for me and realized that my fears around money and security had kicked in. The amazing thing was that once I became aware of my emotions tied to my back, it released as if nothing had happened.
What emotional pain is your body holding on to?
When you continue to suffer in your body, try to identify what the emotions around it are. Two books I recommend are “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise L. Hay and “Your Body Speaks Your Mind” by Deb Shapiro. Deb Shapiro’s Book provides questions to ask yourself to help you identify the underlying emotions/blocks that may be causing you pain.
Where in your body have you been suffering?
What fears/emotions do you think it is connected to?
If you have been suffering and need help in uncovering the emotional issues underneath the physical pain, contact Therapy With Carol.