Gratitude Is Everything
Many of us often forget all the goodness in our lives. We tend to focus on the negative. Even though we may be happy with a great outcome, that happiness fades fast as we start to think of what else needs to be fixed, changed or transformed. We think about what happened in the past, worry about the future and forget to be in the moment of now.
Our thoughts are creating our reality. What we focus on most, will materialize in our lives. If we are constantly worried, we keep our focus on the negative and we remain in that place.
Notice your thoughts. Do you worry about finances? Notice how many hours a day you worry about money. And then notice where your life is going in relation to money and finances. It probably stays in that same energy.
In order to change this we must change our thoughts. Keeping our thoughts positive will bring goodness in. I know how hard it is to stay positive when you are constantly faced with bills that need to be paid and not having enough money in your bank account. It is hard not to worry. But worry only keeps you in that negative place. Worry does not bring in money. It does not alleviate financial debt. So ask yourself if worrying is helping your situation. Your answer will be ‘No’.
How to replace worrying with Gratitude?
You can start by saying, “Thank you Universe for reminding me that worry is unproductive”. And from there, continue to say thank you for every little thing.
Gratitude instantly changes our negative thoughts into positive ones. We cannot be grateful and negative at the same time.
The universe is listening and loves it when we show gratitude. It responds in kind. The more gratitude we show for the goodness that enters our lives, the more goodness comes into our lives.
Get into the habit of thanking the Universe for everything. If you get a new client, thank the Universe. If you get out of a possible speeding ticket, thank the Universe. If you notice the traffic lights are all green as you approach them, thank the Universe. If you get an amazing parking spot at a busy shopping mall, thank the Universe. Make it a habit to converse with the Universe. It is listening.
Start a gratitude journal and do this everyday. It only takes a minute or two.
Every morning write down 5 things you are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be grand, keep it simple. You can be grateful for your morning coffee. And every night before going to bed, write down 5 more things. By doing this on a daily basis, it forces your mind to focus on the positives. As your mind focuses on the positives, the Universe brings more positive to you. Try it for 30 days.
For more help with this, please contact Therapy With Carol.