Pray For a Miracle But You Must Do Your Part
I’m a big believer in miracles. I know that God always has my back. I know that my angels are working overtime to help me achieve my dreams. But I also know that I must do the work along with them. I cannot simply pray for a miracle and sit back waiting for it to happen.
If you want to change your life, ask for it. Pray to God, the Universe, Source, your Higher Self or whatever you choose to call the Higher Power. Pray and trust that miracles will happen. But as you pray, you must also take the necessary steps towards your goals.
If you are in an abusive marriage and you want to change your life, I invite you to take stock of your feelings including your desires and your fears.
Many women are afraid to leave their marriages because they may have young children, don’t work or don’t believe they can survive on their own.
Some women fool themselves into believing their husbands will change. The truth is, an abusive man will remain so unless he does his own emotional work to intentionally change.
Some women fool themselves into believing they love their husbands and that’s why they can’t leave the marriage. The truth is, love does not hurt. If he hurts you, he does not love you, at least in a healthy way. And so what is it that allows you to love him if he constantly hurts you? I believe women think they love their abusive husbands because deep in their subconscious mind, it is safer to stay in the marriage than face the fear of the unknown. A lot of women, especially housewives who have not been in the workforce for a long time, are afraid of financial survival. The fear compounds when they have children to care for, their lack of job skills or low self-confidence.
A powerful question to ask yourself to clarify your feelings in an abusive marriage: If I won ten million dollars in the lottery today, would I stay with him?
Whatever your fear may be, if you want to change your life, you need to take the first steps. Pray for a miracle, and then go do what needs to be done. Take the first step to get a job, any job that allows you to earn your own money. Then watch the miracles unfold. They could be subtle miracles like a small promotion or perhaps another job opportunity. As you move forward to improve on your life, trust God and your angels are working overtime to help you.
I often refer to the parable of the flood when working with my clients. I posted it below as it may help clarify how miracles work.
God Will Save Me- The Parable of the Flood
A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately.
A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.”
The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”
As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.”
The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”
The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.
A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, “Grab my hand and I will pull you up!” But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!”
Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned.
When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”
And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”
Have you identified your feelings around your marriage?
What fears are stopping you from leaving?
What is the first step you can take towards improving your life? If you would like to get support in praying for and seeing the miracles around you, contact Therapy With Carol now.